Mob Programming

Mob Programming

All the brilliant people working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same place, and on the same computer

Mob Programming is a cost-effective, collaborative, and fun way to get work done together. It’s a whole-team approach to development, where coding, designing, testing, and working with the “customer” (partner, Product Owner, User, etc.) is all done as a team.

We’ll learn how a Mob performs project work, including user stories, prioritization, test-driven development, refactoring, and retrospectives. We cover the mechanics of how to work together as a Mob as well as the techniques that make this form of development so effective.

Designed and facilitated by Mob Programming pioneer Woody Zuill, this workshop provides a hands-on education in the art of collaboration and it’s significant benefits for your teams.

Target Audience

Anyone involved in software development, including (but not limited to) testers, product owners, coders, database experts, deployment experts, managers, and even executives.

Our focus in this workshop is the Mob Programming approach to teamwork, and this workshop is useful to those who will work on a team as well as those who provide support for a team.


Hands-on Exercises, Presentation, Interactive Dialogues, Simulations, Videos.

  • Introduction: Mob Programming Introduction, The basics of how it works
  • Activity: The nature of software development
  • Activity: Teamwork – a good thing
  • Driver/Navigator teamwork Roles and Techniques
  • Coding Dojo Demonstration: A simple demo of Mob Programming with volunteers from the participants
  • Advanced Mob Programming Concepts – Hands on coding
  • Coding Exercise: Working on a Sample Project, learning to work together using a few rules and guidelines
  • How Mob Programming accelerates learning
  • How to take advantage of learning opportunities
  • Continuing the Coding Exercise: Removing the rules
  • Retrospective and review, group discussion of what we’ve learned.

What will you learn

  • How 5+ people can be effective working on just one thing
  • Heuristics for team size
  • Guidelines for successful collaboration
  • Handling competing solutions and ideas to a coding problem
  • Encouraging politeness and kindness of team members
  • Reducing or eliminating harmful conflicts
  • Mobbing Mechanics
  • Tools for team coding
  • Workspace setup
  • How to “Amplify Learning” and take advantage of continual learning opportunities
  • “Real-time” and continuous Retrospectives to reflect, tune, adjust
  • The theory of why Mob Programming is effective
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD) as a team
  • Working with Product Owners, Business Experts, Testers, Designers as part of the team
  • Refactoring as a team
  • Continuous feedback at all levels of granularity.

Expect to get your hands dirty

During Woody Zuill’s Mob Programming workshop you’ll be engaged in a variety of activities optimised for learning: Hands-on Exercises, Presentations, Interactive Dialogues, Simulations, Videos.

We will be doing coding as a team. Each team will be given a number of tiny requirements, or stories, one at a time. Each group will work on it as a team but with certain limitations as to how they are allowed to interact.

We then reflect on the results and modify the limitations so that by the end of the workshop all limitations are removed except a few critical guidelines of interaction that we originated as Mob Programming.

Once we have the basics of Mob Programming in place, each team will pick a problem or challenge to work on together.

Online Workshop – How does it work

The workshop will happen online and in live streaming: the trainer and all other participants will be in a video conference. You’ll be interacting and working together in real-time thanks to a variety of tools you’ll have at your disposal.

The workshop will keep its highly interactive and hands-on spirit despite being online.
This is why we require that all participants keep their webcam on for the whole duration of the workshop: this will enhance the quality of the communication and of the workshop as a whole.
You won’t be sitting at your desk watching slides and videos, and you’ll be engaged in real-time activities for the majority of the time… as if we were in a real classroom!


Per partecipare sono necessarie conoscenze pregresse?
Non è richiesta alcuna conoscenza pregressa ma solo la volontà di mettersi a lavorare con gli altri a uno stesso computer (anche se virtuale!).
Che tu abbia già esperienza con la programmazione o che non ne abbia alcuna, sarai comunque in grado di partecipare e imparare.

Cosa devo assolutamente avere per potermi iscrivere a questo corso online?
Se possiedi un computer e un monitor, una rete stabile (almeno 20 Mbps in download e 10 Mbps in upload), cuffie, microfono e videocamera, allora puoi iscriverti al corso senza problemi. Un paio di settimane prima del corso ti invieremo tutte le informazioni sugli strumenti che useremo e come accedervi.
Per la rete, prova a fare uno Speed Test.
Nonostante la modalità online, il corso mantiene il suo approccio interattivo e partecipativo. Per questo motivo, è richiesto che tutti i partecipanti abbiano la telecamera accesa per tutta la durata del workshop per una migliore fruizione e comunicazione.


Invieremo una comunicazione con la conferma del corso agli iscritti non più tardi di due settimane prima del corso.

Info pratiche sul workshop

Lingua: Inglese.
Laptop: Sì, ti servirà il laptop per poter seguire il corso. Controlla le specifiche nella sezione F.A.Q.
Numero massimo di partecipanti: 15.
Strumenti e postazione: il corso si svolgerà online e in diretta, attraverso l’uso di alcuni strumenti digitali. A iscrizione avvenuta, riceverai tutti i dettagli su come accedere al corso e interagire con il docente e gli altri partecipanti, e su come prepararti al meglio.
È consigliato che ciascun partecipante segua il corso dalla sua postazione: è preferibile non condividere il laptop e la stanza con altre persone e colleghi per una migliore esperienza da remoto.


Mob Programming brings to life what collaboration really means.Marco Testa

I had a great time in Woody Zuill’s Mob Programming workshop. Great rational advice on a counter intuitive way of working. In the end it all comes down to having a better flow. Really recommend it. Especially for non developers.Jean Detoeuf – Software Developer

I strongly recommend the Mob-Programming workshop with Woody Zuill, I learnt and experienced valuable insights that I couldn’t get from reading nor from experiments with a few teams.
And spending time with Woody is time well spent, beyond the official topic.Cyrille Martraire – Software Architect

Woody Zuill

Woody Zuill è un Agile and Lean Guide and Coach e si occupa di programmazione software da oltre 35 anni. Woody ha dato origine all'approccio Mob Programming al lavoro di gruppo nello sviluppo software, ed è considerato uno dei fondatori della discussione su "#NoEstimates" su Twitter.

La sua passione? Lavorare con team al fine di creare un ambiente in cui ciascuno/a di noi possa eccellere tanto nel lavoro quanto nella vita di tutti i giorni. Woody inoltre ha insegnato il suo workshop "Mob Programming" a centinaia di team in tutto il mondo.


How Mob Programming helps collaboration and getting work done: Francesco Strazzullo intervista Woody Zuill.

Chi siamo, in breve :)

Avanscoperta è un ecosistema in espansione fatto di professionisti con una grande passione per l’apprendimento: ci piace imparare cose nuove e scambiare esperienze e idee, esplorando territori finora inesplorati in ambito software, nella sua accezione più ampia possibile.

Selezioniamo con attenzione gli argomenti più rilevanti e i migliori docenti da tutto il mondo, e diamo particolare importanza alle tecniche di insegnamento, preferendo approcci pratici e coinvolgenti.
Unisciti a noi! ?

Ti interessa questo corso?

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