Writing OKRs

Writing OKRs

Objectives and Key Results made simple

OKRs are set four times a year, and each set directs work for 13 weeks, so why not invest a few hours to improve every set?

Writing good OKRs is hard. Good OKRs demand numbers in the right places, and this is where most newcomers (but not only) struggle.

Too often, leaders and teams struggle to define clear objectives and measurable key results, falling into the trap of writing to-do lists instead.
If you’ve ever found yourself with OKRs that feel like nothing more than tasks to check off, it’s time to break the cycle and learn to do it right.

Join this 3-hour Writing OKRs class with Allan Kelly to overcome any initial blockers and experience and practice writing OKRs that effectively cover the next three months and produce meaningful improvements.
In this class, you’ll practice setting OKRs in a safe environment, ask questions, and discuss some of the dos and don’ts.
It will be an extremely practical learning experience limited to 12 attendees.

The Trainer

Allan Kelly is a leading software development expert specializing in agile practices, product development, and organizational transformation.

Succeeding with OKRs in Agile Book cover

With decades of experience in the field, Allan has worked with a wide range of organizations, helping them implement robust software systems, drive innovation, and navigate the complexities of scaling teams and processes.

Allan wrote several influential books about agile and software development, including the best-selling Succeeding with OKRs in Agile, The Art of Agile Product Ownership, and Business Patterns for Software Developers.

His technical and business-oriented perspective makes him the perfect interpreter of the needs of an agile engineering team facing strategic business-driven challenges.

Target audience

Are you in charge of setting OKRs for others? Or are you one of those who “need” to use OKRs because someone decided to? Whether you’re a leader or part of the team using OKRS – this workshop is for you.

Some of the roles that will benefit from this workshop the most:

  • managers of all descriptions,
  • product owners and managers,
  • Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches,
  • analysts and team members included in the processes,
  • aspiring leaders who are expected to use OKRs now or in the future.


  • The nature of objectives and key results, what makes a good objective, what they are not, and why objectives are subjective,
  • Objectives in the organizational context and goals-within-goals,
  • Rules of thumb for writing OKRs,
  • How to measure key results, how to put numbers against intangible results and quantify changes,
  • Refining OKRs with feedback,
  • The difference between leading and lagging indicators, the advantages and disadvantages of each.


  • Reviewing example OKRs,
  • Writing Objectives – and what makes a good objective,
  • Writing Key Results – and how to quantify key results,
  • Identifying measuring tools for key results,
  • Using OKRs in an agile setting: an API for the team and bottom-up OKRs rather than top-down management objectives.

The workshop is a single 3-hour online session divided into modules. It includes time-boxed breaks and some chill-out time at the end.
Chill-out time: Unstructured, informal conversations after the workshop’s official end.

Learning objectives

  • How teams and individuals with limited experience will learn to write good OKRs to cover the next 3 months
  • Creating good OKRs with measurable key results
  • What a good objective looks like and how to create one
  • How to compose measurable key results which describe the objective outcome
  • How to interpret OKRs in an agile-compatible way.

How does it work

Attendees will practice writing objectives and measurable key results in the workshop.
The 3-hour session alternates between group exercises, such as writing objectives, and reflective discussions.
It will happen online and in live streaming.

Do you want to know more? Have a look at our interview with Allan Kelly!


Do I need to know something beforehand in order to participate in this workshop?
Attendees are expected to already be familiar with the core ideas behind OKRs. This training course will not cover what OKRs are or why they might be used.

Will I receive any supporting material?
Participants will receive a digital copy of Succeeding with OKRs in Agile (2nd Edition) and a handy OKR Cheat Sheet.

Is there anything I must do before I buy a ticket for this online workshop?
If you have a good internet connection (at least 20 Mbps in download and 10 Mbps in upload), headphones, mic, and camera, then you can join the training.
A double screen and a good seat will improve your learning experience.
Check out your connection’s speed.


This workshop will be confirmed upon reaching the minimum number of participants. We’ll send an official confirmation to all registered attendees 10-15 days weeks prior to the workshop dates.

About the workshop

Language: English.
Number of attendees: max 12 participants.
Tools and Workstation: We’ll use a dedicated space in Zoom, with exercises happening in Miro. You’ll get detailed information on how to join the online workshop 10-15 days prior to the workshop.
To guarantee the best learning experience, we recommend joining from an individual workstation in a quiet room.


The Writing OKRs Masterclass with Allan Kelly was great to take my OKR writing to the next level with thought-provoking content, in a collaborative environment, all with a modern way of thinking and workingBreanne Castell

I would strongly recommend Allan’s OKR workshop to companies of all sizes.
OKRs is a valuable tool to align great minds to focus on important work when used correctly. However the beauty lies in the how, and there could be so many misconceptions and how to use it effectively. Allan’s course debugs a lot of that and really articulates and demonstrates the true value very well.Sharon Duan – Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Allan Kelly

Allan Kelly è un esperto di riferimento nello sviluppo software, con una specializzazione nelle pratiche agili, nello sviluppo di prodotti e nella trasformazione organizzativa.
In decenni di esperienza nel settore, Allan ha collaborato con numerose realtà, aiutandole a implementare sistemi software robusti, promuovere l'innovazione e affrontare le complessità legate alla scalabilità di team e processi.

In qualità di consulente, formatore e speaker, Allan si contraddistingue per il suo approccio pratico nella risoluzione di sfide reali, offrendo spunti che combinano una profonda conoscenza tecnica con un'acuta visione imprenditoriale.
La sua passione è aiutare le organizzazioni a costruire software migliori e a ottenere risultati duraturi.

Allan Kelly’s Succeeding with OKRs in Agile would be the perfect companion for this workshop.

John Doerr’s seminal book on Objectives and Key Results, Measure What Matters is undoubtedly welcome.

Measure what matters book cover.


The recommended newcomer is Who does what by how much? by Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden.

Who does what by how much?

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Avanscoperta is a growing community of professionals learning together, exchanging experiences and ideas, exploring uncharted territories.

We carefully select the most relevant topics and the best trainers and thought leaders worldwide with an eye to the most engaging teaching techniques.
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