Designing Microservices

Designing Microservices

Defining service responsibilities, APIs and collaborations for fast sustainable flow

When applying the microservice architecture pattern, the most important design decisions that you must make do not involve technology choices, such as Kubernetes vs. Serverless or REST vs. gRPC.
Instead, what’s critical to your success is creating a microservice architecture that supports the fast flow: the continuous flow of valuable changes to customers.
To do that, you must correctly identify services, and define their responsibilities, APIs and collaborations.
That’s because if you design your services badly, you risk creating a fragile, distributed monolith where every service is a potential point of failure, and services regularly change in lockstep, which slows down development.

In this three-day in-person workshop with Chris Richardson, author of the bestseller Microservices Patterns, you will experience and practice how to design a loosely coupled, microservice architecture that enables fast, sustainable flow.

Target Audience

This workshop is for you if you’re an experienced developer, architect, CTO, or VP of engineering and you are either using or planning to use the microservice architecture.

If you are considering migrating your monolith to microservices then you will learn how to avoid many of the pitfalls using the microservice architecture pattern. Alternatively, if you are currently using microservices, you will learn how to improve your microservice architecture both now and in the future.


  • The architectural requirements for fast, sustainable flow
    What DevOps and Team topologies require from the architecture in order to deliver a continuous stream of small changes,
  • Dark energy and dark matter, the forces that shape an architecture
    The conflicting concerns, such as increasing team autonomy by defining smaller services vs. the need for efficient inter-service communication – that you must address with designing an architecture,
  • The essential characteristics of the microservice architecture
    A precise definition of this architecture style including its essential features, why it enables fast flow, and why it doesn’t mean a collection of tiny services,
  • A process for designing a microservice architecture
    A rigorous design process for creating an architecture that carefully balances the dark energy and dark matter forces,
  • Eventually consistent service collaboration patterns
    Eventually consistent patterns for implementing requests that span multiple services.


Through a combination of lectures, discussions, and kata exercises, the trainer, Chris Richardson, will walk you through distilling your application’s requirements into a collection of loosely coupled, appropriately-sized services.

Day 1

  • Designing a microservice architecture for fast, sustainable flow
  • Discovering system operations
  • Designing subdomains.

Day 2

  • Service collaboration patterns
  • Designing a service architecture part 1.

Day 3

  • Designing a service architecture part 2
  • Evaluating a microservice architecture
  • Refactoring a microservice architecture.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand when to use the microservice architecture
  • Identify and define services
  • Design operations that span multiple services using patterns such as Saga and CQRS
  • Evaluate a microservice architecture and identify architectural smells
  • Refactor and improve an architecture
  • Document a microservice architecture.

Expect to get your hands dirty

In this workshop, you will design a service architecture for a simple, yet realistic application.
The workshop is a mixture of Lectures + Katas + Design reviews.
We’ll use a variety of tools, both tech and non-tech, such as Miro, pen and paper, post-its, for all the exercises.

The workshop will mix of theory and practice, with lots of practical exercises, both solo and in groups.

Why should I buy a ticket

Join Chris Richarsdon to experience and learn when to use the microservice architecture; how to design a good microservice architecture; and how to avoid common, architectural anti-patterns.


Do I need to know something beforehand in order to participate in this workshop?
You’ll get the most out of this workshop if you already have experience in developing enterprise applications.

Will I receive materials to read/watch/study prior to the workshop?
We will send some videos to watch before the workshop.

What language will be used throughout the workshop?
The architecture and design exercises are on paper or Miro, therefore they are independent of any particular technology stack.

Do I need my laptop to attend this workshop?
Yes. Participants will decide whether to do the design exercises on paper or using technology such as Miro.

Will there be any materials to take away?
Yes, slides and design template documents.


About the workshop

Language: The workshop will be held in English.
Time: from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm.
Venue: Milano Luiss Hub – Via Massimo D’Azeglio, 3, 20154, Milano (metro: Garibaldi).
Laptop: required – check the FAQ section.
Dress code: Informal.
Included in the price: arrival coffee break, lunch and afternoon coffee break, each day.
Not included in the price: travel and accommodation.

How to get to Milan?

You can get to Milan by flying into three different airports: Linate, Malpensa and Bergamo Orio al Serio.

Check out the Luiss Hub Milan Venue Info Page and get it sorted! With plenty of handy information on accommodation, travel options, where to find the training venue, and much more!

Questions? Drop us a line: [email protected]

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I took the Designing Microservices Workshop with Chris Richardson at Explore DDD 2024. It was fascinating to operate at the intersection of the business and technical domains. Great insights and practicals from Chris, and fun collaboration with fellow attendees!Tim Kleier

Chris Richardson

Chris Richardson è software developer e architect. È l'autore di POJOs in Action e ha fondato CloudFoundry.com, uno dei primi Java PaaS per Amazon EC2. Oggi è un thought leader nel campo dei microservizi e parla con una certa frequenza a conferenze internazionali.

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