
Decision-making for Software Development Teams

Learn how to make mindful decisions in complex software ecosystems

Decision-Making for Software Development Teams Cover Book

Decision-making for Software Development Teams

Learn how to make mindful decisions in complex software ecosystems

Author: Francesco Strazzullo

Published: March 2022

Language: English

Buy on: Leanpub o Amazon

Why this book

What is a decision? What makes a decision important? How much do we struggle to make a decision? What type of impact do you think that decision will have?

Whatever the case – from choosing a programming language for a shiny new greenfield project to moving to a microservices architecture and everything in between –  the life of a software developer is punctuated with decisions.

A good developer needs to be a good decision-maker, and decision-making is a crucial skill for software developers. This skill can be learnt and practised.

This book aims to introduce developers to some theoretical concepts about how to make mindful technical decisions. It is a journey throughout a decision-making process, with real-life examples and case studies.

The next time you and your team face a decision to be made, the stories and the easy-to-apply exercises in this book will help you understand how to involve the right people, gather valuable data and better analyze the context to decide how to decide.

Decision-making for Software Development Teams is available as a paperback on Amazon and as an ebook on Leanpub.