Move Forward
One step at a time
We learnt that there are better ways to develop software and manage work and companies, also in a remote scenario.
We discovered and recovered crucial skills and knowledges, to build top quality products, appreciated by users and crafted with pride by serious and enthusiastic professionals.
We’ve seen revolutionary companies succeed and ways to collaborate and deliver better results in shorter times.
We’ve met pioneers, innovators and leaders. We embraced, experimented shared and discussed their and our ideas.
We explored disciplines and fields that looked far away, but that turned out being surprisingly close.
We discovered new ways to teach, to learn and to share knowledge. We’ve applied this learning to the new fully-remote scenario.
In the last ten years, we’ve learnt a lot of things. Both online and in real life.
We could have done the same in five years. If only we knew how.
Upcoming Events
Practical Event Sourcing Workshop
with Oskar Dudycz
Event Sourcing helps us keep track of all the business facts without losing a single piece of business information, and build durable and robust systems. Start with the right foot with this online workshop by Oskar Dudycz.
Language: English
Advanced Software Architecture with Residuality Theory Workshop
with Barry O'Reilly
Barry O’Reilly guides us through the world of Residuality Theory, an advanced theory of software design that will help you think differently when building robust, antifragile software that is fit for uncertain times.
Language: English
Deep Dive into Model-Driven Design Workshop
with Kenny Baas-Schwegler and Bruno Boucard
Next level Domain-Driven Design! Go beyond using basic tactical patterns such as aggregates, entities and value objects, learn the skills to become domain experts as software developers and unlock critical breakthroughs in product development.
Language: English
Going further
Putting ideas into practice
We are a unique mix of crossover experts and innovators passionate about contamination, learning and sharing.
Event-Driven Partners
Domain-Driven Design and Event-Driven Architecture provide powerful platforms for modern and robust enterprise software.
However, theory and practice can appear incredibly distant, if your organisation is still bogged down with coupling and the associated coordination overhead.
We modelled complex software systems around the world, with EventStorming and modern architectures.
We know what to do, and how to do it.
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Leading IT Ecosystems
Software development is a cultural thing. You can fight it or embrace it.
Our experts are all about crossover knowledge: We understand the motivations of modern and traditional organisations and the dynamics of software development ecosystems.
We know how to build a platform to attract and retain talent and to build highly impactful software for the business.
It’s code, people, culture, strategy, clarity, and skills. They all matter.
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Complexity Mappers
Some problems can only be solved with the active collaboration of experts in different fields. Unfortunately, as the size of the problem increases, the quality of our discussion and models decreases: we end up stuck in an endless loop of round tables without unlocking a clear solution to the issue.
We have learned and invented tools to model highly intricate problems. We know how to blend models and languages to achieve a common goal effectively. We learned tricks to facilitate large groups’ converging toward a shared vision and to validate possible solutions.
We aren’t scared by complexity. We ride it.
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