Courses about: "DDD"
Scheduled classes:
Deep Dive into Model-Driven Design Workshop
with Kenny Baas-Schwegler and Bruno Boucard
Next level Domain-Driven Design! Go beyond using basic tactical patterns such as aggregates, entities and value objects, learn the skills to become domain experts as software developers and unlock critical breakthroughs in product development.
EventStorming Master Class
with Alberto Brandolini
EventStorming is the fastest way to explore and model a complex business domain, in an event-driven fashion: join the Master Class with his creator Alberto Brandolini!
Domain Modeling Made Functional Workshop
with Scott Wlaschin
DDD meets F#. It’s time to learn how to build working solutions with rich domain models by using only functional programming techniques.
Domain-Driven Design Modelling Workshop
with Alberto Brandolini
Domain-Driven Design promotes a tighter alignment between business stakeholders and software practitioners. Join Alberto Brandolini’s Workshop and learn a different approach for critical software development.
Past events:
Event-Oriented Domain-Driven Design Workshop
with Vaughn Vernon
This intensive, two-day, advanced hands-on workshop teaches you DDD within an explicitly event-oriented microservices business domain. You will learn both strategic and tactical design.
CQRS Advanced Workshop
with Greg Young
A 3 days interactive workshop on the most advanced topics of Domain-Driven Design like Command Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Sourcing. The workshop will be led by Greg Young and facilitated by Alberto Brandolini Target Audience Architect or Senior Developer with a strong interest in Domain Driven Design and in Command Query Separation (CQRS), Domain Events and Event Sourcing. Requirements Please, bring your […]
CQRS, Event Sourcing and Applying Domain-Driven Design
with Greg Young
This course will teach you all about system building and architectures with Domain-Driven Design. The largest problem many run into with Domain Driven Design is in getting the abstract concepts implemented in a concrete way. Many of the stereotypical architectures people use actually make it impossible to apply DDD. Greg’s course will help you avoid […]
Implementing Domain-Driven Design
with Vaughn Vernon
Are you looking for a way to fill the gap between theory and practice, in Domain-Driven Design? This 3 days workshop might be the one for you.
Implementing Domain-Driven Design Meetup
with Vaughn Vernon
A free evening meeting with Vaughn Vernon and Alberto Brandolini. Presentation and open discussion.
CQRS Advanced Workshop
with Greg Young
A 3 days interactive workshop on the most advanced topics of Domain-Driven Design like Command Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Sourcing. The workshop will be led by Greg Young and facilitated by Alberto Brandolini Target Audience Architect or Senior Developer with a strong interest in Domain Driven Design and in Command Query Separation (CQRS), Domain Events and Event Sourcing. Requirements Please, bring your […]
CQRS, Event Sourcing and Applying Domain-Driven Design
with Greg Young
This course will teach you all about system building and architectures with Domain-Driven Design. The largest problem many run into with Domain Driven Design is in getting the abstract concepts implemented in a concrete way. Many of the stereotypical architectures people use actually make it impossible to apply DDD. Greg’s course will help you avoid […]
Training on demand:
Domain-Driven Design Workshop
with Alberto Brandolini
We can deliver this workshop for your team. Write us an email at [email protected] for more info. Check out the next public workshops by Alberto Brandolini, delivered online and in live-streaming: EventStorming Remote Modelling workshop (4 half-day sessions) and Domain-driven Design Executive View Training (one half-day session). Domain-Driven Design is an approach to software development […]
EventStorming Workshop (1 day Pre-conference format)
with Alberto Brandolini
EventStorming unites agile modeling techniques and an event-driven approach with an engaging format that leads to a fast problem exploration.
EventStorming Workshop Facilitation
with Alberto Brandolini
EventStorming Workshop unites agile modeling techniques and the cutting-edge event-driven approach with a uniquely engaging format, that leads to a fast problem exploration and establishes a collaborative approach between key participants.