Courses about: "Functional Programming"
Scheduled classes:
Domain Modeling Made Functional Workshop
with Scott Wlaschin
DDD meets F#. It’s time to learn how to build working solutions with rich domain models by using only functional programming techniques.
Past events:
Functional Design Patterns Course
with Uberto Barbini
In this online course with Uberto Barbini, we will learn with concrete examples of how to proceed from a typical OO Hexagonal design to a purely functional one.
Lean and Functional Domain Modelling Workshop
with Marcello Duarte
Functional programming and modelling to go beyond the overly complicated math-based examples and introductions, to get your hands dirty with real-world complexity of business domains.
Practical Machine Learning with Functional Programming Workshop
with Mathias Brandewinder
Two day hands-on workshop to learn how to write effective F# code and use Machine Learning to solve real-world problems. Expect lots of coding on fun challenges!