

People worth listening to

We Are Learners is our motto. The workshops we offer are only one of the activities we carry on to reach our goal: making the software world a better one.

We love creating interactive and participative learning experiences, even remotely. Our workshops take place both in physical classrooms and online, in real-time and in live-streaming: the trainer(s) and all other participants are in the same room and on a video conference.

Thanks to a number of digital tools, we’re able to keep the highly hands-on and interactive nature of each workshop.

We want to learn the best ways to develop software and look for innovators and thought leaders to do so. We look for world-class challenges with no limits to our horizon.

By creating unique learning occasions with recognized masters in their own discipline and in the best available context, we aim to build and foster a community of professionals who learn together by sharing experiences, tips, ideas, and information way beyond the duration of a single course.

We aim to be a growth engine, stimulating and promoting the spread of skills and disciplines indispensable for companies’ growth and survival.



Upcoming Events

  • Oskar Dudycz
    3rd - 4th - 7th - 8th April 2025, from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm (CEST - Italy) online course

    Practical Event Sourcing Workshop

    with Oskar Dudycz

    Event Sourcing helps us keep track of all the business facts without losing a single piece of business information, and build durable and robust systems. Start with the right foot with this online workshop by Oskar Dudycz.

    Language:   English

  • Barry O'Reilly
    Milan  //  7th - 8th - 9th May 2025, from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm workshop

    Advanced Software Architecture with Residuality Theory Workshop

    with Barry O'Reilly

    Barry O’Reilly guides us through the world of Residuality Theory, an advanced theory of software design that will help you think differently when building robust, antifragile software that is fit for uncertain times.

    Language:   English

  • Marco Dussin
    Milano  //  13 - 14 maggio 2025, dalle 9.30 alle 17.30 workshop Sold Out

    Training from the BACK of the Room! Workshop

    with Marco Dussin

    Training from the BACK of the Room! Practitioner Class è un corso per la formazione e lo sviluppo di competenze specifiche relative all’apprendimento. Scopri come il nostro cervello impara le cose davvero, a favore di una visione dell’educazione più adatta agli adulti che vogliono imparare.

    Language:   Italian

    Kenny Baas-Schwegler
    11th - 12th - 13th - 16th - 17th June 2025, from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm (CEST - Italy) online course EARLY BIRD

    Deep Dive into Model-Driven Design Workshop

    with Kenny Baas-Schwegler and Bruno Boucard

    Next level Domain-Driven Design! Go beyond using basic tactical patterns such as aggregates, entities and value objects, learn the skills to become domain experts as software developers and unlock critical breakthroughs in product development.

    Language:   English

  • Alberto Brandolini
    Berlin  //  Be the first to know about new dates! workshop

    EventStorming Master Class

    with Alberto Brandolini

    EventStorming is the fastest way to explore and model a complex business domain, in an event-driven fashion: join the Master Class with his creator Alberto Brandolini!

    Language:   English

  • Marco Consolaro
    Be the first to know about new dates! online course

    Software Crafting Programme Workshop

    with Marco Consolaro and Alessandro Di Gioia

    Learn to write and maintain quality software, develop your interaction and communication skills, and accelerate your professional growth.

    Language:   English

  • Alberto Brandolini
    Online  //  September 15-16-17-18-19, from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm (CEST - Italy) online course

    EventStorming Remote Experience Workshop

    with Alberto Brandolini

    This workshop will lead you through three different styles of EventStorming performed remotely, we’ll practice and discuss different styles of facilitation on business-class scenarios, in large and small teams.

    Language:   English

  • Alberto Brandolini
    Be the first to know about new dates online course

    Domain-Driven Design Executive View Training

    with Alberto Brandolini

    In this online session, we’ll be building a map of the challenges of a complex enterprise software ecosystem and see where Domain-Driven Design can help and how.

    Language:   English

  • Gaetano Mazzanti
    Be the first to know about new dates online course

    Modern Portfolio Management

    with Gaetano Mazzanti

    Learn a new approach to the traditional way a Portfolio of projects is commonly managed. Get rid of stereotypes and traditional practices in favor of methods suitable for the dynamics and uncertainty of current business conditions.

    Language:   English

  • Allan Kelly
    Be the first to know about new dates online course

    Writing OKRs Class

    with Allan Kelly

    Experience and practice writing OKRs that effectively cover the next three months and produce meaningful improvements, with Allan Kelly, author of the best seller Succeeding with OKRs in Agile: How to create & deliver objectives & key results for teams.

    Language:   English

  • Chris Richardson
    Be the first to know about new dates workshop

    Designing Microservices Workshop

    with Chris Richardson

    Chris Richardson is our guide in the world of microservices – experience how to design a loosely coupled, microservice architecture that enables fast, sustainable flow.

    Language:   English

  • Jenny Martin
    Be the first to know about new dates online course

    OOPSI Training Course

    with Jenny Martin

    Start with something small and still deliver something valuable with OOPSI, a collaboration framework that helps you give structure to the discovery process and provide lightweight documentation to align everyone, and avoid misunderstandings and rework.

    Language:   English

  • Marco Heimeshoff
    Be the first to know about new dates online course

    Domain Models in Practice Workshop: DDD, CQRS & Event Sourcing

    with Marco Heimeshoff

    This intensive online workshop explores the technical relationship between code, culture and architecture and you’ll learn how to model and implement software from a business perspective.

    Language:   English

  • Scott Wlaschin
    Be the first to know about new dates online course

    Domain Modeling Made Functional Workshop

    with Scott Wlaschin

    DDD meets F#. It’s time to learn how to build working solutions with rich domain models by using only functional programming techniques.

    Language:   English

  • Marco Heimeshoff
    Seien Sie der Erste, der von neuen Terminen erfährt workshop

    Domänenmodelle in der Praxis: DDD, CQRS und Event Sourcing Workshop auf Deutsch

    with Marco Heimeshoff

    In diesem Domain-Driven Design, CQRS und Event Sourcing Workshop auf Deutsch mit Marco Heimeshoff lernen Sie, wie Sie Software aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht modellieren und implementieren.

    Language:   English

  • Bjarte Bogsnes
    Be the first to know about new dates workshop

    Beyond Budgeting Master Class

    with Bjarte Bogsnes

    Bring our leadership and planning processes to the next level! Join Bjarte Bogsnes for a real change within your organization from one of the pioneers of Beyond Budgeting.

    Language:   English

  • Alberto Brandolini
    Be the first to know about new dates workshop

    Domain-Driven Design Modelling Workshop

    with Alberto Brandolini

    Domain-Driven Design promotes a tighter alignment between business stakeholders and software practitioners. Join Alberto Brandolini’s Workshop and learn a different approach for critical software development.

    Language:   English

  • Simon Wardley
    Be the first to know about new dates workshop

    Wardley Mapping Bootcamp

    with Simon Wardley

    Learn all the secrets behind the Wardley Maps together with their inventor, Simon Wardley, in this 3-hour Bootcamp.

    Language:   English

  • Luca Sartoni
    Be the first to know about new dates online course

    Effective Management Workshop

    with Luca Sartoni

    With Effective Management Workshop by Luca Sartoni, you’ll get the skills and mindset you need to become the manager everyone wants. This workshop is suitable for anyone who just got promoted and needs to manage other people all of a sudden.

    Language:   English

  • Preparing fro one more zoom call.

    Video, remote meetups, panel discussions, Small Talk from our YouTube channel

    Free online events open to anyone willing to talk, share knowledge, and learn together.
    We Are Learners – always!

    Language:   English

See also


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