Training on demand
Some classes might be held in your company or city. You may find the possible topics below. Please, contact us to know more about on-site training.
Agile Boot Camp
with Cédric Pontet
Join Cédric Pontet to kick start your journey into agile by answering questions such as “what to know”, “where to start” and “how to avoid some of the most common pitfalls”.
Language: English
Applied Functional Programming
with Matteo Baglini
TypeScript and functional programming: learn to use mathematical theories to build the right abstractions, including the famous Monads, thanks to this live online workshop with Matteo Baglini.
Language: Italian
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)® Workshop
with Angel Diaz-Maroto
Learn the secrets to nurture Agile organizations with Angel Diaz Maroto and the CAL1 Workshop, certified by the Scrum Alliance.
Language: Italian
Collaboration Toolkit Workshop
with Jenny Martin
A workshop for product owners that will equip you with a toolkit of techniques you’ll be able to implement when it comes to discussing every stage of a product lifecycle with other stakeholders.
Language: English
Decision-making for Software Development Teams Workshop
with Francesco Strazzullo
A workshop to learn how to make critical decisions collaboratively and choose your next tech stack mindfully.
Language: English
Domain-Driven Design Workshop
with Alberto Brandolini
We can deliver this workshop for your team. Write us an email at [email protected] for more info. Check out the next public workshops by Alberto Brandolini, delivered online and in live-streaming: EventStorming Remote Modelling workshop (4 half-day sessions) and Domain-driven Design Executive View Training (one half-day session). Domain-Driven Design is an approach to software development […]
Language: Italian
Domain-Driven Front-end Remote Workshop
with Francesco Strazzullo
Discover how Domain-Driven Design principles can add value to an extensive front-end application that can scale with ease, with Francesco Strazzullo.
Language: English
Impact Mapping Workshop
with Gojko Adzic
Impact mapping, story mapping and valuable user stories. Join this interactive workshop with Gojko Adzic and learn how to get the most out of user stories.
Language: English
Intentional Organizations Workshop
with Joao Rosa and Trond Hjorteland
Learn about open sociotechnical systems thinking by jointly optimising the social and technical systems while putting people at the centre of the design. Let’s explore the environment surrounding the organisation, identify sensible boundaries for teams and architecture, and generate options for the evolution of the sociotechnical system.
Language: English
Lean Problem Solving with A3 Thinking and Popcorn Flow
with Claudio Perrone
A fun and highly-participative workshop: you’ll practice with A3 Thinking and Popcorn Flow, two powerful methods to solve problems and introduce rapid change.
Language: English
Microservices Practical Training Course
with Gianluca Padovani
With Gianluca Padovani we will learn to build a microservices architecture, to recognize variations and differences and to choose the best one for our context.
Language: Italian
Mob Programming Workshop
with Woody Zuill
Learn all the secrets behind effective and time-efficient teamwork with a whole new approach: Mob Programming.
Language: English
OKR Training Course
with Francesco Fullone
Practical and interactive workshop with “Fullo” to discover how OKRs (Objective Key Results) help companies maintain the right attention and not get distracted by the thousand opportunities, more or less concrete, that the market makes available.
Language: English
PopcornFlow Remote Workshop
with Claudio Perrone
PopcornFlow workshop: an “epic” workshop for innovators, change instigators and achievers.
Language: English
Product Discovery Workshop with Lean Value Tree
with Matteo Cavucci
Learn how to generate an effective Product Strategy and how to get from ideas to a value-driven product roadmap using the Lean Value Tree.
Language: Italian
Specification by Example Workshop: From User Stories to Acceptance Tests
with Gojko Adzic
Specification by example helps you bridge the communication gap between stakeholders and implementation teams, build quality into software from the start, design, develop and deliver systems fit for purpose.
Language: English
Strategic Domain-Driven Design Workshop
with Alberto Brandolini
We can deliver this workshop for your team. Write us an email at [email protected] for more info. Check out the next public workshops by Alberto Brandolini, delivered online and in live-streaming: EventStorming Remote Modelling workshop (4 half-day sessions) and Domain-driven Design Executive View Training (one half-day session). Improve learning and everything else will follow Software […]
Language: Italian
Test-Driven Development
The problem Software should be soft, supple, easy to manipulate under our fingers. Yet it often is not: we work with code that is brittle, ugly, difficult to understand and modify. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could write clean code that works? If we could write good code that solves our problems, without taking […]
Language: Italian
Training from the BACK of the Room – Virtual Edition (TBR-VE)
with Teri Frith
Training for trainers. Energise your training programs and engage your learners with this hands-on remote workshop: your training courses will never be the same.
Language: English
TypeScript and React Workshop for Flexible and Evolvable Apps
with Gabriele Petronella
Abstract React is one of the best-known technologies for front-end software development. TypeScript is a language that adds static typing to JavaScript. Both technologies promise “scalability”, but what does this mean exactly? We believe an app can be defined as scalable if it allows one to do the following: add new functionalities without carrying extra […]
Language: English
unFIX Foundation Workshop – The Versatile Organization
with Jurgen Appelo
The unFIX model facilitates gradual change, dynamic teams, and an important role to play for managers. It’s time to focus on continuous innovation and the human experience.
Language: English