Corsi su: "Microservices"
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Corso Online
Microservices Practical Workshop
con Gianluca Padovani
Con Gianluca Padovani impareremo a costruire un’architettura a microservizi, a riconoscere varianti e differenze e a scegliere la migliore per il nostro contesto.
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Designing Microservices
con Chris Richardson
Chris Richardson is our guide in the world of microservices – experience how to design a loosely coupled, microservice architecture that enables fast, sustainable flow.
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Strategic Domain-Driven Design
con Alberto Brandolini
Tre giorni intensi ed interattivi per scoprire nuovi modi di collaborare con gli stakeholders, di produrre software e di progettare architetture funzionali performanti e robuste.
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Node.js Workshop
con Matteo Collina
Scopri tutti i segreti per lo sviluppo professionale di applicazioni robuste, scalabili e mantenibili, senza rinunciare al “Wow effect” della demo scritta in pochi minuti!
Ti interessa questo corso? Scrivi a [email protected]
Crafted Design
con Sandro Mancuso
Crafted Design addresses design from the most micro level (via TDD) all the way up to defining microservices by analsying business requirements. After the workshop you’ll be able to design software that is responsive to changing requirements and new functionally, avoiding some of the pitfalls that lead to legacy code.
Ti interessa questo corso? Scrivi a: [email protected]
Lean and Functional Domain Modelling
con Marcello Duarte
Functional programming and modelling to go beyond the overly complicated math-based examples and introductions, to get your hands dirty with real-world complexity of business domains.
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Kubernetes: from DevOps practices to the Cloud-Native stack
con Jacopo Nardiello
Discover the general concepts of DevOps practices and methodologies and deep dive into the philosophy behind Kubernetes, Containers and the whole Cloud-Native stack in this two day hands-on workshop.
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Microservices Workshop
con Russ Miles
Are you ready to learn how to make your code stand the test of time? Using microservices, this course will teach you how to build software that adapts as fast as your business and requirements do.
Ti interessa questo corso? Scrivici a: [email protected]
Event-Oriented Domain-Driven Design
con Vaughn Vernon
This intensive, two-day, hands-on workshop teaches you DDD within an explicitly event-oriented microservices business domain. You will learn both strategic and tactical design.