Marijn Huizendveld
Breve biografia:
Marijn works as an independent software consultant for (corporate) startups and scale-ups within Europe. He studied business school (boring though useful) and moonlighted as a freelance software engineer (limited impact, lots of fun).
After getting stung by the start-up bug he founded a SaaS business in which he was involved for the next 6 years (lots of impact, limited private life). This experience provided him with a realistic perspective on business and firm roots in software architecture. He was at the frontier of event-sourced domain models in PHP and has been actively involved in the DDD community since its revival around 2012.
These days he helps his customers to apply the lessons he picked up along the way, in order to make software that propels organizations forward. To support his clients he develops tools (such as Chameleon) that augment the software delivery process which makes teams more effective. He also laughs at his own jokes, for reasons unknown cause they typically aren’t funny. Join the workshop to see if you agree.
Guarda la video intervista di Alberto Brandolini con Marijn Huizendveld sul canale YouTube di Avanscoperta.
Calendario corsi:
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DIY Event Sourcing Tooling
con Marijn Huizendveld
CQRS ed Event Sourcing sono dei game-changer quando si tratta di sviluppo software. Impara come costruire in autonomia gli strumenti che ti aiuteranno a utilizzarli al meglio.
Lingua: Inglese
Online // Ricevi in anteprima le nuove date
Corso Online
Practical Strategy for Digital Organizations
con Marijn Huizendveld
Join this workshop to learn how using Wardley Mapping and OKR together can help you visualize, map and implement your strategy effectively and without getting distracted.
Lingua: Inglese