Agile at Scale, Inspired by Spotify

Agile at Scale, Inspired by Spotify

Learn how to build an organisation that enables agile at scale!

How do you build an organisation that enables agile at scale and unleashes the power of small autonomous teams?

Join this 2-day workshop with Joakim Sundén, who has long experience from working at Spotify, and has been involved in developing several of the concepts of “the Spotify Model”.
Joakim will share his experiences and viewpoints as independent agile coach and trainer, not as representative of Spotify.

After this workshop, you will have plenty of examples and inspiration from how Spotify grew a dynamic learning organisation that continually reinforces a high-trust culture and supports engaged autonomous teams.

About the workshop

“The Spotify Model” of agile at scale has been getting a surprising amount of attention in the agile community since it was first shared widely in 2012. The Spotify Engineering Culture videos have more than 500K views.

It was never intended as a framework or a model, it was just a case study of the Spotify way of working at the time. That has not stopped a large number of organizations from copying or imitating the model, often without understanding what it was optimized for, what challenges it comes with or how Spotify has adapted and continued to evolve in the five years since.

What you will learn

  • Why Spotify made the decisions they made, what other options were considered, which changes were intentional and which ones were emergent
  • The underlying principles as well as go into specific practices and mechanisms
  • How Spotify combines small autonomous teams with strategic business alignment
  • How Spotify works with leadership and growing leaders, and how they work with innovation
  • Which values and beliefs shape their culture. And much much more.


The goal of this course is to provide tangible examples of how to create a great place to work that enables agile at scale.
You will leave inspired with ideas on how to redesign your organization to better engage employees and leverage the power of autonomous teams.

Why participating in this workshop?

Join this workshop to gain a deep and wide knowledge of how Spotify works under the hood. With this deeper understanding you will be able to see more options on how to improve your organisational design with regards to your context and boundaries.

Get your hands dirty

This workshop will entail a lot of story telling and Q&A depending on what the actual participants in the classroom know and want to know about what Joakim and his team learned in their journey to agile at scale.
There will be two interactive exercises, one “human knot” to experience autonomy, and a Lego exercise around alignment, but it’s more of a “connect” intro to topics.

During the workshop you will receive a booklet where you’ll find some of the exercises from the course as well as a lot of picture of the slides so you’ll be able to follow along and take notes.
Exercises range from “how do you create a great team”, “what would you squad health check model look like”, and “how do you think leadership needs to change in your context”.

Throughout the course we use the stories and ideas from Spotify as inspiration to discuss in groups, as well as reflect individually, what actions and ideas that inspires for the participants’ own organizations.


  • The history of Spotify
  • How to build great autonomous teams (a.k.a. Squads)
  • Organisational structure to support the squads (Chapters, Tribes and Guilds)
  • The Spotify Rhythm & OKRs (Cross team, strategic business alignment and prioritization)
  • Team and Tribe leadership
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Competence and development frameworks
  • Culture, principles and values
  • How Scrum, Kanban and XP fits into the Spotify culture
  • Think It, Build It, Ship It, Tweak It – The Spotify Product Development Framework
  • Sharing and spreading knowledge
  • Transparency and communication
  • Challenges, lessons learned and failed experiments.

Target audience

  • Progressive leaders and managers
  • Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, Product Managers, Project Managers and Agile Practitioners
  • Organisational change agents, consultants and HR


Tools & Laptop: Do I need my laptop?
No, you won’t need your laptop to attend this workshop.

Entry requirements: Do I need to know anything in particular prior to attending this workshop?
Basic knowledge in Agile principles and practices, e.g., experience with Scrum, will help you better understand some of the content.

Teaching language: What language will this workshop be in?
This course will be taught in English.

Testimonials: Ecco cosa dicono di questo workshop…

Be inspired by the experience of Spotify to open your mind to new perspectives of work and well-being.Claudio Saurin – Product Development Director

Joakim Sundén

Consulente per Crisp, Joakim aiuta leader e organizzazioni a creare più customer value più velocemente.

Dal 2011 al 2017, Joakim ha fatto parte di Spotify in qualità di agile coach dove, insieme ai team di manager, leader e delivery teams, ha lavorato per accrescere il valore delle persone, aumentare la dedizione e l'impegno del personale, e costruire prodotti migliori più velocemente.
Joakim è stato parte del team che, insieme al CTO, ha creato e implementato un nuovo approccio all'Agile "su scala", chiamato "Spotify Model", con tribes, squads, chapters, guilds, ecc.


Guarda la video intervista tra Joakim Sundén e Claudio Perrone (in inglese) sul nostro canale YouTube: Joakim Sundén and Claudio Perrone talk about Agile, Spotify, leadership and change.

Chi siamo, in breve :)

Avanscoperta è un ecosistema in espansione fatto di professionisti con una grande passione per l’apprendimento: ci piace imparare cose nuove e scambiare esperienze e idee, esplorando territori finora inesplorati in ambito software, nella sua accezione più ampia possibile.

Selezioniamo con attenzione gli argomenti più rilevanti e i migliori docenti da tutto il mondo, e diamo particolare importanza alle tecniche di insegnamento, preferendo approcci pratici e coinvolgenti.
Unisciti a noi! ?

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