Beyond Budgeting Masterclass

Beyond Budgeting Masterclass

Bring your leadership and planning processes to the next level!

How can management innovation drive competitive advantage just as powerfully as technology and product innovation?

At the core of the traditional way of managing, you find the budgeting process and the budgeting mindset.
It’s impossible to change management and leadership without also addressing the budgeting process.

Beyond Budgeting has 12 principles. Six are on leadership, like purpose, autonomy, and transparency. Six are on management processes, like target setting, forecasting, resource allocation, performance evaluation, rewards, and recommendations on the rhythm of all these processes.

There is also a strong focus on creating coherence between what is said about leadership and what is practiced through these management processes.

The Beyond Budgeting Masterclass by Bjarte Bogsnes is a two-day journey that will provide you with a thorough and practical understanding of Beyond Budgeting.

Led by one of the pioneers of Beyond Budgeting, the Masterclass aims to uncover and explore how an entire organization can be run in an agile way, where people and interactions are more valued than processes and tools and where responding to change is more important than following a plan.

You will get unique insights into Business Agility in practice, both from a managerial, financial, and human perspective.

TrainerCopertine libri Bjarte Bogsnes

Bjarte Bogsnes is the go-to expert when it comes to embarking on a journey beyond traditional budgeting. An internationally renowned professional and author of Implementing Beyond Budgeting – Unlocking the Performance Potential, he shares his 30-year journey advocating for Beyond Budgeting.

His latest book, This is Beyond Budgeting – A Guide to More Adaptive and Human Organizations, further explores this transformative approach.

Target Audience

Large corporations are the type of companies that need this kind of approach the most. You’ll benefit from this workshop if you have a corporate background, and therefore this Masterclass is aimed at:

  • CEOs
  • HRs
  • CFOs
  • Finance Directors
  • Agile practitioners
  • Middle managers
  • Team leaders
  • Agile coaches
  • Product managers
  • Consultants.

Do you work in a start-up or in a smaller company? You’ll still benefit from this workshop – Beyond Budgeting is exactly what you need in order to know what to avoid when your company grows.


  • Beyond Budgeting – the adaptive management model. “Performance. The Right Way”:
  • Companies on the journey around the world; great case stories of how they operate
  • The Borealis story – going Beyond Budgeting before Beyond Budgeting
  • The Equinor (formerly Statoil) story
  • Redefining performance – dynamic and relative targets and a holistic performance evaluation
  • Dynamic forecasting and resource allocation and no traditional budgets
  • From calendar-driven to event-driven
  • Holistic performance evaluation
  • Beyond Budgeting in the public sector
  • KPI and OKR pitfalls
  • Agile and Beyond Budgeting – similarities and differences
  • Why no Agile transformation without Beyond Budgeting
  • Implementation experiences and advice
  • The business model canvas – the brand new Viable Map
  • Beyond Budgeting and the major consulting firms
  • Does Beyond Budgeting work? Fresh survey data.

The Masterclass will also provide participants with a thorough and practical understanding of how cost can be managed in much better ways and how funding works in a Beyond Budgeting world.

Learning Objectives

  • How to trust and empower without losing control
  • How to redefine performance – with dynamic and relative targets (or no targets at all) and a holistic performance evaluation.
  • How dynamic forecasting and resource allocation works, and also other examples of self-regulating management mechanisms, including transparency.

Bjarte will also share insights into KPI and OKR pitfalls, and bonus problems.

How it works

The Masterclass is made of parts of lecture (sharing knowledge and ideas), workshop and discussion, and facilitated exercises to experience methods and put principles into practice.

It includes a number of exercises which supplements the theory and practice of Beyond Budgeting, including how the model can be applied in your own organisation.

You will benefit from Bjarte Bogsnes’ extensive experience. He has helped companies all over the world getting started on a Beyond Budgeting journey, including his former employer Equinor (Statoil) – where the budget (and much more) was kicked out. This and many other great case stories and practical examples will be shared.

About the workshop

Language: The workshop will be held in English.
Time: from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Venue: Meeet – Pavillion, Chausseestraße 86, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Laptop: required – check the FAQ section.
Dress code: Informal.
Included in the price: arrival coffee break, lunch and afternoon coffee break, each day.
Not included in the price: travel and accommodation.

How to get to Berlin?

You can get to Berlin by flying into Berlin Brandenburg.

Check out the Meeet – Pavillion Info Page and get it sorted! With plenty of handy information on accommodation, travel options, where to find the training venue, and much more!

Questions? Drop us a line: [email protected]


Bjarte Bogsnes

Bjarte Bogsnes ha una lunga carriera a livello internazionale nei settori finanziario e risorse umane. È uno dei pionieri del movimento Beyond Budgeting, e ha aiutato molte aziende in tutto il mondo a iniziare un percorso all'insegna del superamento dell'idea di budget.

Bjarte è Chairman del Beyond Budgeting Roundtable (BBRT), speaker di fama internazionale, coach di Beyond Budgeting e vincitore di un Innovation Award da parte di Harvard Business Review/McKinsey Management.

Our interview with Bjarte Bogsnes: Beyond Budgeting for a True Agile Transformation

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