Passionate Product Ownership: Certified Scrum Product Owner Course
Using Product Design and Agile Thinking to Create Great Products

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Passionate Product Ownership is a Certified* Scrum Product Ownership course that blends solid product management, user experience design, and design thinking into a collaborative team-based approach to Scrum product ownership.
That’s a mouthful of jargon, but what’s important to know is that this isn’t just a course about filling the product ownership role in Scrum. It’s a course that teaches the practices you and your team need to create successful products.
An Approach to Successful Product Ownership
Product ownership is one of the most critical and most difficult roles in an agile process.
Too often organizations adopting agile approaches and Scrum are lead to believe a single person in a product owner role is responsible for making all the decisions about the product- down to the last detail. The result is stressed, overworked product owner that’s become a bottleneck for everyone else in the organization.
Others with critical input and valuable skills are often shut out of the process. In the end the product being built gets worse, and people in the company are less happy than ever before. But that’s not the way agile development is supposed to work.
This class is about an approach to agile product ownership that does.
In this course with Jeff Patton, we’ll teach a team-based approach to product ownership where a product owner leads a small discovery team that includes the roles and skills necessary to create a great product.
Who should attend this course?
- Product managers, business stakeholders, and product marketing professionals: to understand the practices that lead to valuable products
- User experience practitioners, and business analysts: to understand the practices that lead to usable and desirable products
- Senior engineers: to understand the practices that lead to feasible products
- Project managers, Scrum Masters, and agile coaches: to understand how to guide successful product discovery and delivery
What will you learn in this course?
The simple Scrum Framework is an effective product delivery approach, but the hardest part of software development is figuring out exactly what to deliver.
In this course you’ll learn:
- the goals and activities of product discovery.
- to use a dual-track approach to development where a discovery track is used to guide rapid learning, and a delivery track is used to guide rapid delivery of validated product solutions.
- how to use effective product design concepts and practices to engage in effective collaborative product discovery work
- practices that blend the best of agile, lean, and user experience thinking. These practices allow small teams to engage in faster more collaborative product design and validation.
- Lean Startup and Validated Learning
- Design Thinking
- Workshop facilitation and card modeling
- Lightweight persona sketching
- User story mapping
- Collaborative design sketching
- Paper prototyping and testing
- Techniques for finding a minimal viable product
- MVP in a large product release
Expect to get your hands dirty
You won’t spend time dozing to PowerPoint slides. You’ll be up and moving and getting hands-on experience working in a small collaborative group.
*This course contains all the necessary instruction to qualify participants for Scrum Product Owner Certification. The certification is given and the status maintained by the Scrum Alliance. To receive the certification, the student need only attend the course.
Combo Better Software
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I am already a CSPO. Does it make sense for me to join this class?
Yes, if you’re interested in USER STORY MAPPING and in techniques to collaboratively achieve a shared product vision, that’s the place to be. Definitely not a “CSPO by the book” class.
Will there be a real-time translation?
No, however Alberto Brandolini will be there to facilitate discussion whenever needed, to help with translation, and to take visual notes.
Jeff Patton
Veteran Product Manager, Agile, Lean, UX and Product Design Evangelist
Jeff makes use of over 20 years of product design and development experience to help companies create great products.
Jeff started in software development in the early 90s as a project leader and senior developer for a small software product company. There he learned that well written code, and fast delivery isn’t the secret to success, it’s just table stakes. It’s actually deep understanding of your customers and users coupled with a desire to create a product that’s really valuable to them that makes the biggest difference.
In 2000 Jeff worked as a product manager at one of the first companies adopting Extreme Programming. It was there he built a strong appreciation for the discipline that Agile thinking brings to software development and a deep concern for what seemed to be left out, specifically good product thinking. Since then Jeff has been an evangelist championing the inclusion of strong product design and user experience practice in Agile development. Today Jeff teaches and coaches a contemporary blend of practice that incorporates Lean and Lean Startup and Design Thinking all directed at helping organizations build products their customers love.
Jeff’s a Certified Scrum Trainer, and winner of the Agile Alliance’s 2007 Gordon Pask Award for contributions to Agile Development. Jeff is author of the bestselling O’Reilly book User Story Mapping which describes a simple holistic approach to using stories in Agile development without losing sight of the big picture.
You can learn more about Jeff, and find essays and past writing from his columns with, Better Software Magazine, and IEEE Software on his websites:
Cosa dicono di questo workshop:
Eliciting what-to-do is very collaborative and funny stuff.
It was a great experience also because he used a sort of metacourse using a story map to teach the user story map.
A very valuable experience! Jeff goes much further than “traditional” CSPO courses (this wasn’t the first I attended) and brings you at the core of the Product Ownership knowledge, tools and philosophy, far beyond the Scrum framework.