OOPSI Training

OOPSI Training

User story splitting and collaboration made easy and effective

Are you overwhelmed by User Stories? Have you lost sight of the big picture? Are you not sure how to Start Small?
It’s time to try OOPSI, an innovative collaboration technique invented by Jenny Martin.

OOPSI stands for Outcomes, Outputs, Process, Scenarios, Inputs. It is a collaborative agile practice that helps teams break down complex problems and navigate the path to delivering business value faster.

OOPSI process description

Following the OOPSI framework helps you break down work so that you can start on something small but still deliver something valuable.
The different steps in the OOPSI framework help give structure to the discovery process and provide lightweight documentation that helps align everyone and avoid misunderstandings and rework.

In a nutshell – OOPSI gives you a framework to reduce handovers and get the team co-creating and collaborating effectively from the beginning. It helps you guide the delivery process and confidently navigate complexity.

Join Jenny Martin for this 2-module online training course to get started with OOPSI and improve your product development process.

The Trainer

Jenny Martin brings her expertise in team collaboration and high-performing teams to create transformative experiences. With a passion for helping groups excel, she is a recognized leader in the Product and Agile communities.

Jenny creates immersive, playful workshops that empower teams to unlock their collective intelligence and embrace their diverse strengths. And that’s what we love most about her approach.
Her mission is simple: to see individuals and teams flourish, achieving remarkable outcomes together while allowing every unique talent to shine.

Target audience

Anyone on a software or product development team who wants to learn how to break down complex problems and navigate the path to delivering business value faster.

The OOPSI framework can be applied in many ways, in the large and in the small:

  • At the highest level, it can help guide conversations and give confidence to a facilitator who is helping a team explore a problem.
  • For Product Managers and Product Owners, the different steps can guide discovery activities and allow for co-creation of lightweight documentation that raises shared understanding and facilitates fast feedback (even structured as a design sprint to rapidly kick off an initiative).
  • For Agile and Product Development teams, OOPSI can be used to help explore and split user stories as part of a 3 Amigos workshop, and help structure tests and promote good test design and automation strategy.


  • Principles of iterative delivery
  • Hunting value – how to start small
  • User Story Splitting approaches
  • Outcome Based Planning
  • Overview of OOPSI
  • OOPSI in practice – Outcomes, Outputs, Process, Scenarios, Inputs
  • OOPSI Process patterns
  • Effective OOPSI workshops
  • OOPSI and Living Documentation
  • How to implement OOPSI in your team.

The OOPSI Training is structured in 2 sessions delivered remotely in 3.5 hours each.

Learning objectives

  • Get unstuck from analysis paralysis – Be able to more confidently break work down using the OOPSI technique and get started quickly.
  • Have clear sprint goals and strategy to deliver valuable working software as early as possible and optimise the process for feedback
  • Structure the discovery process so that collaboration is effective and the team are strongly aligned.
  • Reduce waste – Capture the right level of detail and deliver light-weight concrete living documentation that enables shared understanding.
  • Be able to implement the OOPSI technique into any product development environment.

How it works

We will be working in live-streaming on Miro and Zoom.
The workshop will be highly participative – we’ll work through detailed examples and attendees will work or their own and in small groups to familiarise themselves with the technique.

Do you want to know more? Have a look at our interview with Jenny Martin!


What level of expertise is required to join the workshop?
To get the most out of this course, you should have worked in an agile / product development environment, and have some experience with user stories or requirements. It would be very beneficial if you’ve been working on a cross / functional team.

Is there anything I must do before I buy a ticket for this online workshop?
If you have a good internet connection (at least 20 Mbps in download and 10 Mbps in upload), headphones, mic, and camera, then you can join the training.
A double screen and a good seat will improve your learning experience.
Check out your connection’s speed.

About the workshop

Language: English.
Maximum number of attendees: 12 participants.
Tools and Workstation: We’ll use a dedicated space in Zoom, with exercises happening in Miro. You’ll get detailed information on how to join the online workshop 10-15 days prior to the workshop.
To guarantee the best learning experience, we recommend joining from an individual workstation in a quiet room.


OOPSI is the next evolution of a very useful tool like Storymapping and makes it a lot more useful for teams to work with.Shyam Kumar

Jenny Martin

La collaborazione tra le persone e lo sviluppo di team ad alte prestazioni sono gli ambiti in cui Jenny Martin porta la sua esperienza come trainer, coach e facilitatrice.

È parte attiva nelle comunità Product e Agile dove diffonde conoscenza, applicazioni pratiche e una passione contagiosa.
Il suo approccio si basa sulla creazione di esperienze di apprendimento immersive e giocose, dove i partecipanti sono incoraggiati a valorizzare l'intelligenza collettiva e a sfruttare le loro diverse capacità.
I suoi workshop sono progettati per ispirare la trasformazione, rafforzare le connessioni e fornire ai team gli strumenti necessari per ottenere risultati straordinari.
È l’autrice di OOPSI: una tecnica innovativa di collaborazione.



The power of effective collaboration: Our interview with Jenny Martin.

All about OOPSI – Jenny Martin


Small Talk: an informal chat with Jenny Martin (YouTubeSpotify).

Chi siamo, in breve :)

Avanscoperta è un ecosistema in espansione fatto di professionisti con una grande passione per l’apprendimento: ci piace imparare cose nuove e scambiare esperienze e idee, esplorando territori finora inesplorati in ambito software, nella sua accezione più ampia possibile.

Selezioniamo con attenzione gli argomenti più rilevanti e i migliori docenti da tutto il mondo, e diamo particolare importanza alle tecniche di insegnamento, preferendo approcci pratici e coinvolgenti.
Unisciti a noi!

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