Wardley Maps Bootcamp

Wardley Maps Bootcamp

Discover the structure of a business by mapping the components needed to serve the customer

Check out Wardley Mapping Accelerator with Ben Mosior.

Maps help to communicate, to challenge, to plan, to learn, and to mitigate risk.

In this 3-hour Bootcamp with Simon Wardley, you will learn the basics of why maps matter, how to map a business or government agency, how to apply common practices in order to anticipate change and how to build an organisation designed to cope with constant change.

In this Bootcamp, we examine the subject of situational awareness within business, explaining why it matters and why most companies lack it.
We explore how to map a competitive environment, how it can be exploited, how practices evolve and how certain types of disruptive change can be anticipated and defended against.
Drawing on examples from heavy engineering projects, to governments, to software companies such as Canonical, Simon demonstrates how mapping can be used to rapidly change the fortunes of a project, reduce costs and outplay competitors with startling results.

Target Audience

Anyone with an interest in the future or in organisational structure.


  • Introduction into Wardley mapping
  • How to map a business
  • Anticipating through patterns of change
  • Why agile doesn’t work everywhere
  • Organising for change.


  • Why most companies have little or no actual strategy
  • Why no one-size-fits-all solution exists (for example, Agile all the things, Six Sigma all the things, Outsource all the things)
  • How the core problem is poor situational awareness
  • The concept of mapping a business, the main patterns of economic change and how they can be used to your advantage.

Learning Objectives

The purpose of the workshop is to introduce you to the importance of situational awareness in business and how to map a competitive environment and relate it to your business.

By the end of the workshop, you should have a rudimentary understanding of mapping. It must be understood that this is the beginning of the journey – to effectively use the technique will require practice.

This workshop will teach you the basic principles of mapping and how to relate them to your business:

  • What are Value Chains? Identifying your customers, their needs and their journeys
  • Understanding evolution in a map
  • Anticipate the future by looking at economic patterns.

Expected outcomes

  • An understanding of why situational awareness is critical in a strategic choice
  • The reasons why most organizations:
    • Have almost no situational awareness and strategy is often reduced to gut feel, meme copying and HIPPO
    • Fail to communicate, learn and challenge leading to outsourcing failures and business alignment issues (an artificial construct)
    • Fail to cope with uncertainty leading to one size fits all techniques which fail – that is, the tyranny of the agile.
  • How to resolve the above issues.

Background on mapping

The technique has been used in Silicon Valley/VC/Open Source and Government circles successfully for almost 15 years but remains relatively novel to most organizations.
Whilst not uncommon in organizations such as Amazon, Netflix and Capital One, the same technique will be unheard of in other industries.
This is normal as the academic work on the technique is only just being published (London School of Economics/Cambridge University), so the workshop can be viewed as an early preview of a technique which is growing and of possible future interest.
The boot camp is designed to increase awareness.

Online Workshop – How does it work

The workshop will happen online and in live streaming: the trainer and all other participants will be in a video conference. You’ll be interacting and working together in real-time thanks to a variety of tools you’ll have at your disposal.

The workshop will keep its highly interactive and hands-on spirit despite being online.
This is why we require that all participants keep their webcam on for the whole duration of the workshop: this will enhance the quality of the communication and of the workshop as a whole.
You won’t be sitting at your desk watching slides and videos, and you’ll be engaged in real-time activities for the majority of the time… as if we were in a real classroom!


Per partecipare sono necessarie conoscenze pregresse?
No, non sono richieste conoscenze pregresse.

Cosa devo assolutamente avere per potermi iscrivere a questo corso online?
Se possiedi un computer e un monitor, una rete stabile (almeno 20 Mbps in download e 10 Mbps in upload), cuffie, microfono e videocamera, allora puoi iscriverti al corso senza problemi. Un paio di settimane prima del corso ti invieremo tutte le informazioni sugli strumenti che useremo e come accedervi.
Per la rete, prova a fare uno Speed Test.
Nonostante la modalità online, il corso mantiene il suo approccio interattivo e partecipativo. Per questo motivo, è richiesto che tutti i partecipanti abbiano la telecamera accesa per tutta la durata del workshop per una migliore fruizione e comunicazione.


Il workshop sarà confermato al raggiungimento del numero minimo di partecipanti. Invieremo una comunicazione con la conferma del corso agli iscritti al più tardi due settimane prima del corso.

Info pratiche sul workshop

Lingua: Inglese.
Laptop: Sì, ti servirà il laptop per poter seguire il corso. Controlla le specifiche nella sezione F.A.Q.
Numero massimo di partecipanti: 80.
Strumenti e postazione: il corso si svolgerà online e in diretta, attraverso l’uso di alcuni strumenti digitali. A iscrizione avvenuta, riceverai tutti i dettagli su come accedere al corso e interagire con il docente e gli altri partecipanti, e su come prepararti al meglio.


Finally, a simple practical process for making strategic decisions based on clarity not guesswork.Dominic Farr

The perfect occasion to make our first Wardley map guided by the tool creator himself!Maxime Sanglan-Charlier

“Wardley Mapping Bootcamp” by Simon Wardley himself is a very good kick-off exercise for people who have barely heard about Wardley Mapping or don’t have time to read/watch about it in the public domain.
So basically, this is an invaluable resource for someone very new to this.Konstantin Kudryashov

Really interesting concepts to explore. Simple to implement and the view Wardley Maps offer to help in strategic decisions are really mind-blowing.Alessandro Colla

If you are looking to get started with a new way of thinking about strategy, this Bootcamp is for you. Simon has a great way of bringing a complicated/valuable concept down to a level where you can understand it.Dave Broering

Simon Wardley

Simon Wardley è un ricercatore presso il Leading Edge Forum e studia le intersezioni tra strategia a livello IT e nuove tecnologie. Simon è un executive di grande esperienza e negli ultimi 15 anni si è occupato di ridefinire il futuro delle strategie tecnologiche di aziende nei settori dei beni di largo consumo, commercio e IT, dall'iniziale leadership di Canon nel campo del cloud-computing nel 2005 fino alla più recente ascesa di Ubuntu in qualità di leader nei sistemi operativi cloud.

Chi siamo, in breve :)

Avanscoperta è un ecosistema in espansione fatto di professionisti con una grande passione per l’apprendimento: ci piace imparare cose nuove e scambiare esperienze e idee, esplorando territori finora inesplorati in ambito software, nella sua accezione più ampia possibile.

Selezioniamo con attenzione gli argomenti più rilevanti e i migliori docenti da tutto il mondo, e diamo particolare importanza alle tecniche di insegnamento, preferendo approcci pratici e coinvolgenti.
Unisciti a noi! ?

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