Oliver Streuli
Alberto’s workshop gives you deep insights about Remote EventStorming. I could learn a lot from his experiences from the last 14 months and I’m glad that I can avoid some pitfalls facilitating my own remote sessions. I realized that local and remote sessions are a completely different kind of shoes.
Paweł Rekowski
EventStorming Remote Modelling is a great workshop for every Stormer who needs to deal with the remote world. It has a lot of useful tips & tricks on how to rush to the goal even if you can’t meet people in person.
Alberto Spreafico
An interactive and highly engaging course that allows you to understand how to manage the EventStorming techniques. I really liked the possibility to discuss with other peers coming from different experiences and concretely try to apply the theory.
Quê-Minh VO – OCTO Technologies
I’ve been trained by Alberto Brandolini in April 2021 in a remote session. I’ve really appreciated learning by doing in a safe space with my colleagues. Even though I’d prefer meeting people in real life, the training is totally adapted for remote learning. Perfect logistic and organization. I 100% recommend it. Thank you
Ari Edinburg
“EventStorming Remote Modelling” is a very engaging workshop with interesting examples that give you hands-on experience with what you have learnt.
Alberto gently guides you to better outcomes by reviewing yours and your teams work and giving great advice about his experiences applying the technique.
Even though it was an online course it worked well and I learned an approach that I think will allow me to engage with my stakeholders and start being productive with them within minutes.
Annamaria Coppola
A very engaging experience where you can learn a lot on many aspects.
Volker Jockheck
What a great experience, and without hiding areas where we are still learning (and do not have an answer yet).
Rodolfo Campos
It’s a very nice course, full of insights from Alberto and other participants. I highly recommended it.
Michał Popielnicki
There is probably not a better source to learn about EventStorming than from Alberto Brandolini and Avanscoperta!
Maxime Sanglan-Charlier
“EventStorming Remote Modelling” online workshop reaches its goal to provide recipes to be able to enjoy and outcome value from a counter-intuitive online experience.