Learner who joined the December 2022 edition
Gojko is a fantastic trainer; product teams in companies of any size can get applicable knowledge.
He gives you the tools to improve facilitation techniques to help product teams clarify business needs, and then have a single source of truth that acts as living documentation.
Daniel Haarhoff
A fantastic hands-on introduction to codecs, discriminated unions, branded types and related concepts. Delivered in a real-world applicable context.
Antonio Catucci
Un corso che bilancia teoria e pratica in grado di tirar fuori tanti spunti interessanti.
Zvi Avraham
I highly recommend this workshop even if you’re not going to use F# in your daily work.
Ruggero Rizzo
Imparare da un esperto in modo coinvolgente ed efficace – check! Questo workshop permette di imparare concetti complessi partendo da esperienze reali.
Diego Usai
Un corso stimolante, ricco di spunti e concetti da subito applicabili.
Christian Ternes
Pretty good workshop that brings theory and practice together.
Kristof Serraes
Very useful Master Class when you want to get more out of the business you are working for with different hands-on tips.
Jean Reis
Very insightful Master Class, my only regret is not taking it sooner!
Guido Martini
A great class, EventStorming is a powerful methodology and Alberto is a valuable trainer sharing his experience and keeping a good vibe in the class.