Andrea Gioia
Great training course. The insights provided by Alberto based on his experience with the methodology are invaluable.
Aleš Krajník
I highly recommend the EventStorming Remote Modelling workshop to anyone interested in collaboratively improving their modelling skills.
The workshop’s promise to focus on remote modelling was delivered, it was packed with concrete ideas on how to improve our remote collaboration.
Alberto gave us access to his vast library of experience with (remote) modelling.
George Kremenliev
Great event for observing a master facilitator in action and hearing a ton of stories from the field.
Olivier Mocquais
Great workshop to learn all the steps about EventStorming.
Michał Lisowski
Great workshop to quickly learn all the formats of EventStorming right from the author and avoid some pitfalls thanks to the advice Alberto gives from his rich experience.
Jacek Wronski
Matteo ti porta nel mondo funzionale in maniera semplice e indolore, senza perdersi troppo in teorie matematiche che ci stanno dietro ma passando quasi da subito alla pratica.
Teresa Signati
Workshop strutturato davvero molto bene, adatto a chiunque voglia approcciarsi al mondo della programmazione funzionale e delle monadi, mettendo subito in pratica i concetti appresi.
Leonardo Staffolani
Mind changing! Se ti interessa capire cosa siano monadi e funtori e come possano aiutarti a scrivere codice migliore, questo è il corso che fa per te.
Manuela Munaretto
Apprendere i concetti di functional programming per poterli utilizzare in modo proficuo? Con questo corso SI-PUÒ-FA-RE!
Matteo Tortelli
If you already know TypeScript and React but you’re looking for a boost… this workshop is for you!