Mario Völker
I am impressed by the in-depths and broad knowledge shared throughout the class. The created space and people provided an ideal learning environment that provided guidance.
Gustavo Sánchez
Domain Modeling Made Functional is a workshop worth attending for anyone interested in applying functional programming to real work in an enterprise environment.
Joey Samonte
This course helped me understand the importance of being able to simply but properly and correctly model the domain in code.
Massimo Maragliano
It doesn’t matter whether you are a new manager or if you already have experience in this role. No matter how many things you think you know, this course will give you many valuable and practical tools to be a better manager.
Federico Gandellini
Questo corso è perfetto per chi si avvicina alla programmazione funzionale per la prima volta, Matteo spiega i concetti di Functional Programming in maniera semplice e pragmatica. Da non perdere!
Margherita Ederle
Technical Analyst at ADD VALUE S.p.A.
This workshop is suitable for beginners as well as more expert folks in the field of people management, and it offers various stimuli to improve and deepen the topic.
Edoardo Bevilacqua
A very interesting, well-prepared course that provides a series of tools to use in everyday life to immediately obtain results in effectiveness as a manager.
Gianmarco Leone
Matteo ci ha guidati in un percorso non semplice definendo il perimetro ideale per l’apprendimento, la sperimentazione e l’errore. È riuscito a mantenere il delicato equilibrio fra sfida e confort caratteristico dello stato di flow, in modo da rendere l’esperienza sfidante e coinvolgente.
Francesca Raffa
This course was on-point, effective, and properly designed, offering an exceptional learning experience.
Dmitry Ledentsov
I would highly recommend the EventStorming Masterclass to everyone willing to take a step further in being able to tackle challenging business and software design situations.