
Milijan Mudrinic

It is a workshop that packs a lot of information into 3h. Dealing with complexity is an everyday challenge and it is refreshing to think that we can start exploring/model our business with a simple, safe and collaborative approach. The workshop left me wanting to learn more about DDD and apply it in practice.

Roberto Bertuccio

Straconsigliato per iniziare il cammino verso la migrazione dal software monolitico ai micro- services.
È stato molto produttivo imparare i concetti chiave dei micro-servizi in maniera pratica lavorando come in un vero team agile.
L’approccio pragmatico di Gianluca ti sprona a ragionare in maniera critica valutando correttamente i benefici e gli svantaggi di costruire la tua soluzione software a micro-servizi

Noemi Bello

If you want to get past your frustration when managing people, and amplify your effectiveness, this is the ultimate workshop for you.

Gabriella Castelli

This course is great even for people who do not directly manage a team. I learned how to establish strong relationahips with people I work with.

Andrea Baglioni

An overview of practices for managing teams and people, which can be activated from day one. Through this workshop, you’ll understand how many “bad” habits we implement every day, without realizing it.

Antonio Cauzo

Di solito un corso per essere utile deve avere almeno un elemento di novità o sul quale possa valere la pena investire.
In questo caso i temi sono molteplici e c’è quasi l’imbarazzo della scelta, quindi questo, a mio avviso, rende l’idea su quanto possa essere di ispirazione questo corso per sperimentare cambiamenti e miglioramenti che possano avere un effetto positivo.

Daniele Ferrari

An excellent workshop for those who are starting to develop complex architectures and want to understand how to write good code in an agile team.

Emilio Palmerini

A truly unique course. It combines theory and practice, gives you lots of ideas and leaves you with the desire to improve your code and your work.

Stefano D’Alessi

The workshop allowed me to assess different perspectives, become familiar with various tools, comprehend dynamics, and employ these tools to enhance relationships, making them more effective.

Maddalena Germinario

Interesting, engaging, and full of effective and concrete tips and suggestions.