Francesco Fullone
The Effective Management workshop helps you understand the complexity inherent in communication processes, and enables effective collaboration with your team.
Pier Paolo Grassi
From zero to management! A course to immerse oneself in the reality of an established manager and understand what works and why something is not working, and how to improve.
Marcello Ronza
Non la solita fuffa parolaia. (Not the usual fluff).
Matteo Vincenti
I participated in the “Effective Management” workshop organized by Avanscoperta and I must say that it was a very positive and educational experience. The teacher, Luca Sartoni, was very good at conveying the key concepts of effective management, using concrete examples, case studies, practical exercises and open questions. I really appreciated his clear and direct communication style. The workshop allowed me to acquire new skills and tools to improve my role as a manager, such as goal setting, delegation, feedback, motivation and conflict management. The workshop was very intense, but also very stimulating and rewarding. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to grow professionally and personally.
Denis Miorandi
OKR aiuta moltissimo a focalizzare le problematiche di dialogo su obiettivi aziendali e di comunicazione fra teams.
Davide Piazza
Spesso il successo si attribuisce alla genialità, alla perseveranza e alla fortuna.
La verità è che le organizzazioni e le persone hanno bisogno di sviluppare un metodo: OKR è una metodologia al passo con la cultura moderna del fare impresa nel mondo contemporaneo in grado di fare la differenza.
Stefano D’Alessi
Percorso di crescita personale, il workshop consente la comprensione del framework e la focalizzazione operativa con suggerimenti e consigli molto preziosi.
Francesco Crepaz
Davvero utile e con grande potenzialità di immediata applicazione aziendale!
Jason Neville
An insightful and efficient expertly delivered workshop which applies powerful DDD concepts to real-world pain points.
Luca Sartoni
It’s a solid training I would recommend to executives who want to gain a new perspective on solving complex problems with powerful tools.