Mite Ristovski
It’s probably the fastest way to get up to speed with DDD concepts.
Valentina Vivian
Pills of DDD! How to connect the dots from a strategic point of view in a clever and interactive workshop.
Lex van Sonderen
Excellent explanation of the real bottlenecks in software system development.
Stefano D’Alessi
This training course clarifies many concepts on DDD and suggests concrete application.
Filippo De Pretto
Il workshop perfetto se vuoi entrare nel mondo del functional programming.
Pietro Martinelli
Un corso per chi desidera sfatare il mito secondo cui la programmazione funzionale è difficile: due giornate con Matteo sono sufficienti a mostrare come, al contrario, sia “facile”, una volta adottata la giusta prospettiva, sfruttare le tecniche di FP per scrivere codice più testabile e con meno bug.
Mauro Bartolomeoli
Good conversations are key for understanding a domain; good tools are key to drive conversations toward actionable decisions.
Learner who joined the December 2022 edition
Gojko is a fantastic trainer; product teams in companies of any size can get applicable knowledge.
He gives you the tools to improve facilitation techniques to help product teams clarify business needs, and then have a single source of truth that acts as living documentation.
Daniel Haarhoff
A fantastic hands-on introduction to codecs, discriminated unions, branded types and related concepts. Delivered in a real-world applicable context.
Antonio Catucci
Un corso che bilancia teoria e pratica in grado di tirar fuori tanti spunti interessanti.